We are pleased that you are interested in tryouts for our club. Over the years we have enjoyed many successes with our involvement in youth soccer. We have learned one key ingredient of success is clear, consistent communication between the Club and its Teams, Coaches, Players and Parents.

This player/parent handbook has been put together in an attempt to answer some of the recurring questions about tryouts and team registration. If you have further questions look first and foremost to the Head Coach and / or manager of the team.


For the 2022-2023 seasonal year Michigan State Youth Soccer Association have stated that tryouts must be held on June 11-12th, 2022. Before tryouts we will be communicating the following information:

  • Announce coaching assignments
  • Open tryout registration link in TeamSnap for MLS Next Academy tryouts
  • Open tryout registration link in TeamSnap for MSYSA/ECNL tryouts
  • Announce Free Clinic dates and times
  • Release team plans
  • Communicate with individual families regarding next steps
  • May 24 & 25: Tryouts for 2010-2004 players for our elite MLS Next Academy teams (More Info here)
  • June 11 & 12: Tryouts for all 2016-2004 players for WSSL, MSDSL, DA, MSPSP, NLC and ECNL teams (check out Player Pathways)

How will teams be formed?

The coaching staff will discuss our current player pool and next steps for their development. We will then engage each family in this conversation by the end of May.

A tryout registration link is posted on the web site. Register for tryouts with the player's name and birth date online to show your interest in our programs. Please complete the registration more than 24 hours before the start of the tryout day so that the waivers are signed and your child's name appears on the list at the check-in desk. Only register the player once. Once the participant is imported or added please do not click on the Add existing Participant button again or you have a double registration.

For the MLS Next Academy tryouts for 2010-2004 birth years you register with a link and if you decide to attend the ECNL tryouts on June 11th you will register with the separate link.

On Tryout day please arrive 30 minutes before the published start time and enter the St. Joe's Sport Dome. Inside on the left side of the Dome field you will need to check in so that we can check that we have your waivers and hand out a tryout number. Teams will be formed during the session and parents will be provided with a Team Registration Link to accept the placement on a team.

Hints to navigate this season's 'tryout' period?

We will posted a team plan for each team. The team plan will inform you of the league your child will play in if they are placed on that team and the annual price for that team. The price will be split into a 11 month payment plan (June to April). Check out all of the plans in your age range and our website has the differences in Leagues listed under the Competitive Tab in the main menu.

We will be using the Team Snap system to communicate with all players that are interested in tryouts so it is important that you register to receive any updates.

On tryout day we will have uniform items for sizing and a Spiritwear Sale inside the Dome. These will be your only opportunities to decide uniform sizing so please take the time to stop by during tryouts.

Put together an electronic folder on your computer or take pictures with your camera phone with the following documents:


Once the coach offers a player a spot on their team the player will be provided a TeamSnap registration link for that specific Team. Please register right away!

When you register the login email will be used for all financial correspondence. Therefore if your player signs on with their email all financial notices will ONLY go that email address.

When you login to your account you choose "+New Signup" and choose the players name for this team from your list. Check all of the participant information for changes and you can input a JPG photo if you wish (optional). You will have to fill out participant questions and take special notice of:

Uniform Information:

Are you purchasing the Field uniform kit or Goalie Kit? Player must be U12-U19 to choose Goalie kit. You will be able to purchase an optional GK jersey if desired.

You will be unable to change uniform sizing later so please take care when selecting sizes of each item.

Please list your 6 favorite numbers for the season? Players will need to list multiple options since numbers will be assigned from this list.

DO NOT click on Add Existing Participant or Add New Participant at this point or you will be charged double team fees.

Fill in Parent Contact information with the emails and cell phone numbers you wish to receive Team Snap communications from your manager and Coach. Hit Save and Continue and you will advance if all mandatory fields are complete.

MSYSA International Clearance:

Clubs with teams participating in MLS Next are considered by US Soccer to have a professional affiliation. As such, all players registered with clubs who are involved with MLS Next are subject to ITC requirements. This includes the players who play in MLS Next as well as the players who participate in any MSYSA affiliated leagues & programming.  We will be asking if your child was born outside of the United States, including U.S. citizens born abroad not their citizenship status.  If your child's birth certificate is from any country other than USA you will be required to fill out additional forms and receive International Clearance which can take months so we want to start the paperwork at tryouts.  For more information check out:

MSYSA International Clearance – this resource includes general information and a summary of updates (as of March 2022) regarding the international clearance process. Page 2 of this resource includes a graphic from U.S. Soccer which will help parents/players and club administrators determine which ITC process is applicable to the player. Page 3 includes a list of all the ITC processes, with a link for each process containing detailed instructions and the required form.

Documents & Waivers:

We are collecting some of the necessary documents through Team Snap. Since each league has different requirements, this section has forms for more than one league. By completing all the forms, we will be prepared for any dual roster scenario and for final placement. The required documents are also available in the registration program. You can print the documents, complete the forms with the necessary information/signatures, and rename and save the document to your computer or take a picture with your phone. As you proceed with the Team Snap registration, it will require you to upload the completed form in the documents portion of the registration.

There are 6 Waivers that require you to type in an expected name. You will be required to type in the expected name to continue even if it is not your name. The updated waivers are listed below so that you can read them before receiving the registration link.


I, the Parent/Guardian of the player, agree that the player and I voluntarily desire to play soccer for the Michigan Wolves Soccer Club. I understand that electronically signing this form binds us to the above named team for the entire seasonal year (Both Fall/Spring) unless an application for a release is accepted.

I understand that photographic, video, audio, and/or other electronic images or likenesses of my child (“Images”) may be taken by MWSC, its employees or authorized agents. I give my consent for these Images to be taken, produced, and used by MWSC for publicity and training purposes including, but not limited to, radio, video or television broadcasts; written communications, such as brochures, newsletters, magazines, and other publications; electronic publications on Web sites; and marketing materials, such as advertisements and other publications as MWSC deems necessary from time-to-time. I give my consent, without requiring MWSC to pay a fee or to obtain any further consent or authorization for MWSC to edit, use, and reuse said Images worldwide and reproduce the Images and make derivative works therefrom

Financial Commitment Waiver

Accepting the position offered on a Michigan Wolves Soccer Club Team obligates us to pay the full registration fees. It is our intent to honor the commitment to play with Michigan Wolves Soccer Club for the entire 2022-2023 seasonal year.  If we do not pay our fee in full, we agree to make installments toward fulfilling our financial obligation before or by the dates set forth by the Michigan Wolves Soccer Club, unless we apply in writing for an approved modified payment structure.  We understand that failure to fulfill our financial obligations to Michigan Wolves Soccer Club can result in the player pass being taken away to prevent competing in games and training until fulfilled. The player will be placed in “Not in Good Standing” with Michigan Wolves Soccer Club, which will result in the player’s playing privileges being suspended until all the contract obligations are fulfilled. This could impact the player’s ability to register with another club the next seasonal year. Notice will be emailed to main email on file with TeamSnap. We understand that we are responsible to pay all NSF fees. A second notice will be sent with notification that player is to be suspended until payment is received. Player payments must be adhered to or risk player suspension until payment is received.



We understand all Michigan Wolves Soccer Club fees are non-refundable.

If we choose to leave the club or transfer to another Club at any time, no portion of the yearly fees is refundable.

Transfer or release of the player will only be granted if all player’s fees and financial obligations have been fulfilled to the Club and Team.

For players that commit to a full year team there will be no reduction of fees if the player elects to play High School.



We understand that if a player is injured in such a manner that the player is unable to participate at tryouts the player will still be expected to register online, fill out all paperwork and pay the initial two months plus uniform fees. The remaining fees will be determined by the Assistant Treasurer depending on the return date of the player. For any player that is injured during the season and is unable to participate for 8 weeks of the seasonal year, the Assistant Treasurer will make a determination if any part of the fee after the 8 weeks is refundable (To request a refund due to season ending injury, a medical doctor's letter must accompany the written request verifying the injury and that the injury prevents the player from participating).



I hereby agree to the Michigan Wolves Soccer Club Financial Policy and agree to provide Visa or MasterCard credit card payment authorization immediately.



Liability Waiver and Statement of Understanding:

I, the Parent/Guardian of the registrant, agree that the registrant and I recognize that we will abide by the rules of the Michigan Wolves Soccer Club, The United States Soccer Federation (USSF) and its affiliated organizations and sponsors. I understand and appreciate that participation or observation of the sport of soccer constitutes a risk to my child of serious injury, including permanent paralysis or death. Therefore, I voluntarily and knowingly recognize, accept, and assume this risk and release the Michigan Wolves Soccer Club, its Affiliates, their employees, coaches, volunteers, sponsors, event organizers, officials, and Board of Directors from any liability.

Uniform Waiver:

Uniform Fee - By checking this box I acknowledge that the sizes are correct and I understand there are no returns or resizing options. I further agree that the jersey number stated has been approved by the manager and if input incorrectly by me will be subject to the purchase of a new uniform with the correct assigned number with no refund for the mistake.

Code of Conduct Agreement and Consent to Travel

General Guidelines

Players are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner, which is in keeping with representing Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA), and will not bring discredit upon the Association. When traveling and representing MSYSA, each player is expected to dress appropriately as befits representing MSYSA or as directed by the Coach/Administrator. Respect for property of others, adherence to the rules and guidelines as specified here or by the Coach/Administrator and observance of State and Federal laws are required for participation in this program.

Discipline Rules:

1. Substance use and/or possession thereof (drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco) is cause for immediate dismissal from the program.Note: It is your responsibility to prevent situations from occurring and avoiding situations that occur. Don't allow anyone including your roommates, to bring these substances into your room. You should leave any time substances are present! You must take total responsibility for your actions.

2. Irresponsible and disrespectful behavior is cause for dismissal from the program.

3. Destruction of property or violation of State and Federal laws is cause for dismissal from the program.

4. Failure to comply with any and all camp or team rules (curfew, attendance, dress code, schedules, etc.) may be cause for disciplinary action. Persistent failure will be cause for dismissal from the program and could affect player's future participation.


I will conduct myself in a manner respecting the facilities, other players, referees, and coaching and administrative staff of the MSYSA while I am participating in the State, Regional and National Programs. Further, I understand that if I am found to be using or in the possession of drugs or alcohol or in violation of the MSYSA and/or the hosting organization's rules and regulations that this shall result in my immediate ejection from the program. I understand and accept the fact that if dismissed from the program or an event while traveling, I may be sent home immediately at my parents' expense by whatever means is most convenient for the program administrator. Further, if I am dismissed from the program or event, I understand program or event fees will not be reimbursed.We, the undersigned, have read, understand and agree to abide by the guidelines and rules. We also agree to accept actions taken for failure to abide by these guidelines and rules.

Parent or Guardian Consent to Travel

My child has permission to travel with you (Michigan Wolves-Hawks Team Official), as chaperon to various tournaments where he/she will participate in, among other things, soccer in various modes of transportation, accommodations, meals, and physical activities in addition to playing soccer.

I further acknowledge that our child participates in the trip at his/her own risk. Our child is in good health, and we release you, your heirs, executors and assigns of any responsibility that you or they might have regarding the health and physical condition of our child during his/her participation in the trip. On behalf of myself, our child, our heirs, executors and assigns, I further release and forever discharge you, your heirs, executors and assigns, and demands right or cause of action of whatsoever kind of nature, either in law or in equity, arising from or by reason of any bodily and/or personal injury sustained by our child and/or lost or damaged property, or otherwise, directly or indirectly arising from participation by my child on the trip.

I agree to indemnify you, your heirs, executors and assigns, and any chaperons, their heirs, executors and assigns on account of any claims that might be asserted by myself or by my child. Permission is given to take any action you may deem necessary in the event of injury to or illness of my child and for any emergency anesthesia and/or operation which might become necessary, which action shall include the giving of permission to any doctor to hospitalize, provide proper treatment, and order injections, anesthesia or surgery for my child.

Policy on Spectator Behavior

Michigan Wolves Soccer Club has adopted this policy regarding inappropriate and disruptive behavior by spectators.Inappropriate and disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to:

    1. Using abusive language or gestures directed at anyone at any time.


    1. Taunting players, coaches, officials, or other spectators by means of baiting or ridiculing.


    1. Threatening physical violence or engaging in physical violence against any other spectator, coach, player, or official.


    1. Throwing or kicking any object in the spectator viewing area, player's bench area, or field that in any manner creates a safety hazard or is perceived by game officials as thrown/kicked with intent to strike another person.


    1. Urging players to violate the Laws of the Game. Example: Urging a player to push or trip other players.


    1. Questioning the calls, knowledge, skills, or positioning of an official.


Each coach is responsible for the behavior of their spectators. Coaches may be issued cautions or sendoffs if in the opinion of the referee their efforts to control spectators including honoring spectator removal requests are ineffective.

When a spectator displays inappropriate and disruptive behavior the game may be STOPPED by the Official. The Official will identify violators to the coach for the purpose of quieting or removing the violator(s) from the game area. The game area includes the playing field, adjacent sidelines, behind the goals and, if within verbal earshot, the parking lot. Play will resume after the behavior has been addressed.

In the event that a spectator cannot be associated with either team both coaches must then cooperate in the spectator's removal

If further incidents occur, the game may be abandoned.Repeated offenses may lead to expulsion of the offending spectator, and/or player from membership in the team by the Board of Directors.

We hereby agree that we have read, understand and agree to abide by the policy on spectator behavior. We also agree to accept actions taken for failure to abide by this policy.



You must click on the Team Fees and Uniform Kit.

The U9-U19 Uniform kit for new players contains

  • Black Jersey, Short and Sock
  • Grey Jersey, Short and Sock
  • 2 Practice Tees, 2 Practice Shorts and 2 Practice Socks
  • Warmup Top and Warmup Pants
  • Backpack is required if you are a new player

Please note that there are optional items (no red star) that you can order plus the optional to order additional kit items like extra socks, shorts, jerseys.  You input the sizing that will be ordered on the first page of the registration.



Before you input your Credit Card information decide if you plan to pay in full or by installments! If you choose to pay by ACH you can ONLY pay in FULL!  If you would like to pay in full just hit the slider to turn off paying by installments. If you plan to pay by installments you can input your financial information and see the installment Plan Details.

Once you have registered and you want to see the due date, pay in advance or change your credit card information in your account you need to:

    • Log into the Team Snap account you used to register using a computer browser (not Internet Explorer). If you login with a different email you will not find any payment information even though you receive communication from that account.


    • Click on the tab at the top that says "My Teams" (upper right corner).


    • Do not click on any of the teams that are listed in the scroll down list. You just have to click the actual button that says "My Teams" which takes you to the dashboard where all of your teams are listed, including registrations and payment plans.


    • Click on green button "Manage Payments" to make adjustments.

  • If you need to enter a new Credit card then click on "Update your credit card" input new details and hit "update card".
  • Click on Select Payments tab and select the circle next to the payment and hit process now button at bottom of page if you need to process a payment immediately.

If you have any issues with TeamSnap please use their Live Chat button on the bottom right of screen